Thursday, July 10, 2008

1351. A patent model of a brick machine, clay was put into the hopper and the spinning knives cut and ground it to the proper consistency, patent number 52,852.

Larger image

1352. A capstan, handspikes were inserted into the holes, it was then turned to bring up the anchor or move other heavy objects.

This ship is the U.S. Brig Niagara

A tour of the ship can be seen in this video:

1353. Probably used as a gauge for lead shot:

1354. A pulley driver for the old windows that had ropes, pulleys and weights in the sash, the pulleys were driven into the mortise with this tool.

1355. A universal work holder, with an adjustable metal frame and position pegs, this tool was used for holding small and odd shaped items when carving, sawing, filing, sharpening, etc. The tool below is missing the four pegs that fit into the holes.

1356. These are both classified as measuring hammers:

Thanks to Ron White, Chairman of the Mid West Tool Collectors "What's It?" Committee, for further information on this tool, it's a locomotive inspector's hammer. The hammer head was made to check for defects on a steam locomotive, including lateral clearance of driving wheels and engine and trailing trucks, drive-wheel flange height, grab-iron and end-handhold clearance, flat and shell spots on wheels, and coupler contour. It was also useful for checking for loose nuts and metal thicknesses.

From Scotty Fulton's collection.

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Last week's set is seen below, click here to view the entire post:

Black Ops Pro Tips
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